if you've come here for listening to the music that you can jump or dance to, you are at the wrong place. here you have the music that is emotional. melancholic. meditative. the music, that needs deep understanding and interpretation. welcome.

Age 22, Male


Joined on 4/9/17

Exp Points:
29 / 50
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> 100,000
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2.24 votes
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2 last month were pretty intensive for me. i've been working really hard at the pieces for NGUAC 2019 - here's my little summary of this time.

first round - tryouts: started with Living Death, which i created several months before the contest started. it is the track which set completely new way of creating music for me, it was my kinda "turning point". not in the final effects of the production, but particularly in the way of composing and producing music, what enabled me to compose in more professional way.

the score - 7.37/10, 9th place out of 114 participants overall in my group. good score i think, it was a very good way to start the fun. my minimal expectations were to qualify for the knock-out round, so it was definitely a success.

second one - knock-out round: made Land of Wrath for this. the track which was extremely hard to start - no ideas at the beginning, no inspiration, no energy. then i reminded one of my unfinished projects started in 2017, one of my first ever made. i was really impressed that it had such a potential, so i decided to create similar wrathful, dark and aggresive atmosphere and also try to get back to dubsteppy creations after some time. i had real fun while creating this - putting all the cinematic sound, filling the composition with my strong emotions and thinking inside: "wow, it' sounds pretty good". i can call this one as my best track at the moment.

the score - 8.17/10, 6th out of 42 people who qualified for the knock-out round and out of 8 who qualified for the finals (in my group, obviously). i was really happy with the result and surprised as well, i didn't expect that i can make it to the finals, so it was a big success.

last one - final round: i created Death of the Pharaoh for this. it was the planned idea to create something different - i had never made an arabic-sounding track before this one, so the composition, arrangement and production went pretty quickly and easily. however... the final effect was not really satisfying for me. i thought it was not good enough to recieve a good score.

final result - 7.99/10, 10th place out of 21 people from all groups who qualified for the finals.

am i satisfied with the result? not really, i'm extremely ambitious and i set really hard aims for myself, so i obviously thought that it could go better. however i can be happy with this contest, considering how far i went during this journey.

i really want to give special thanks for the judges - @Bosa@Cheshyre, @EndKMusic@Everratic, @Jacob@Midimachine@Samulis, @SplatterDash and especially for @TaintedLogic who all did absolutely great job during this contest - the whole organization was perfect in my opinion. it's a great fun to participate in such a well-organized event.

it was a great journey that gave me a huge bunch of golden experience and great fun as well! and hope that during the next year it will be even better!


Recent Game Medals

45 Points

NEStalgic 10 Points

Reach the Caves

med snek 5 Points

Reach 20 length

Munch Munch Munch 10 Points

Lose 10 length to Mr. Munch

Adventure! 10 Points

Get the Maze Chalice

lil snek 5 Points

Reach 10 length

Das Ende 5 Points
